While en-route to a speaking engagement this morning I noticed a dark blue Buick on the road in front of me, this in itself is hardly unusual, but the myriad of bouncy-headed bobbling figures in the back window was a bid unnerving, all giving me an unappreciated affirmation to a question as of yet unasked, so I followed this car o’bobbles for a few miles, noticing that they bounced in a near perfect sine wave, wondering why and how and why again, I eventually snapped, WHY DOES THIS JACKASS HAVE SO MANY OF THESE ANNOYING LITTLE TOYS IN HIS BACK WINDOW!!! … [ brace yourself for a long run-on sentence with no capital letters ]
I mean are they a juju against mojo?, are they an antenna array on a celestial global positioning system designed to bring a race of bobble-aliens down to earth to feed on the non-bobble loving public? or maybe they provide this Buick some type of bobble headed stabilization against breaking free of mother earth’s precious gravity and careening into the moon..
Eventually I pulled around the Buick and cast a venomous glaze at the driver, he looked at me, smiled and nodded me a human sized affirmation, but not in a human ‘I got a neck bone’ way, but in a ‘I got a spring’ bobblehead way.. then I knew.
The invasion had begun, and they can drive…